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🎇 Our Projects

We're currently working on various paper implemenentations and made-in-house frameworks. To discover other projects, look on Kye's github and Agora's Github for more:

  • Andromeda 🌌 Andromeda is an ultra-fast foundation language model capable of processing inputs greater than 100,000+ tokens. It's a stepping stone towards realizing our vision of AI with enhanced reasoning abilities.

  • Kosmos-X 🌕 Kosmos-X is a multi-modality foundation model that can process vision, audio, images, and more. By combining different modalities, Kosmos-X represents a leap towards more comprehensive and interconnected AI systems.

  • Palm-E PALM-E is a SOTA Multi-Modality Foundation model that can understand text, images, and robotic sequences and execute intelligent multi-modal tasks in the real-world!

  • Swarms 🪐 Swarms facilitates the creation of swarms of AI agents, opening new possibilities for distributed AI tasks, crowd-based learning, and explorations of emergent behaviors.

  • Zeta Zeta enables you to Build high-performance AI models with modular building blocks!

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